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Class X Modern Language Descriptions

FRENCH III COMPREHENSIVE: for students who began in Class VII, emphasis on speaking, reading and writing through the study of increasingly advanced vocabulary and grammar; an examination of French society and culture; and reading of literary and expository texts.

FRENCH III: expansion and refinement of speaking, writing and reading skills through the continuing study of grammar; in-depth analysis and discussion of current events and literary works. 

MANDARIN III: for students who began in Class V, continued study of increasingly advanced syntax and vocabulary, with discussion of a broader range of issues in Chinese society, history and culture. 

COMPREHENSIVE SPANISH II: for students who began in Class IX, continued study of grammar, syntax and vocabulary. A variety of media resources are used to enhance not only the student’s reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, but also her cultural understanding of the Spanish-speaking world. 

SPANISH III: for students who began in Class V, strengthening of communication skills, reinforcement of advanced grammar structures and cultural competency in Spanish. Students will acquire proficiency in analytical reading and writing through the discussion of current and historical events and literary works. 

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