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Class XII Modern Languages

FRENCH V COMPREHENSIVE: consolidation of proficiency in reading, writing, speaking and listening; deeper understanding of French literature, language and culture.

FRENCH V: culmination of the study of classic and contemporary French literature and culture; exploration of cultural and societal issues in France and francophone countries through discussion and textual analysis; conversation and thoughtful debate inspired by various media sources and classic and contemporary texts.

MANDARIN V: culmination of the study of Mandarin through reading, writing and discussion; investigation of popular culture; reinforcement of advanced grammar and vocabulary through creative expression and critical analysis.

COMPREHENSIVE SPANISH IV: completion of the course of study begun in Class IX; discussion and written analysis of literary and cultural topics; reinforcement of the four skills–reading, writing, speaking and listening.

SPANISH V: completion of the course of study begun in Class V and a culmination of the study of literature from various Hispanic countries; sources to enhance cultural understanding, including visual art and nonfiction; reinforcement of advanced grammar and literary analysis through analytical writing and activities in oral communication.

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